Final Schedule
- Due No Due Date
- Points None
- Available after Nov 27, 2017 at 12am
Final Schedule for English 101
Monday, December 4: Presentations can continue today.
Tuesday, December 5 and Wednesday, December 6: Small groups will respond to drafts of the fifth essay.
HOMEWORK: Work on your draft as you review the comments you have received. Prepare a folder that contains all the following material: the final, titled, word-processed version of your essay double-spaced with pages numbered, size 12 font and 1 ½ line or double line spacing, all drafts, all methods for generating ideas and related material that pertains to the essay, student comments, and a self-evaluation. The self-evaluation should include the following:
1) the thesis statement
2) the arguments in support of your position
3) the counter argument you are refuting
4) your overall assessment of your essay
5) the word count
6) the reading level
7) questions for me about your essay (optional).
Thursday, December 7: Essays and accompanying material are due in folders at the start of class. We will discuss the revision process. I will also give you information about the take-home final.
HOMEWORK: Work on your self-evaluation final. Bring the essay(s) you are planning to revise to class on Thursday.
Friday, December 8: Optional class day for those planning to revise essays, work on your self-evaluation final, or do work related to our class. You should attend if have missed other class sessions.
Monday, December 11: This is our last class session. We can review items of interest. You will have the opportunity to anonymously evaluate the way this class was conducted. This is the last day for conferences.
HOMEWORK: Work on your self-evaluation final.
I will be in my office starting at 9:00 am on Tuesday, December 12 to accept your self-evaluation final through e-mail or Canvas. I will let you know that I have received the essay if you send me an electronic copy.
Special Information: Your final self-evaluation essay is due by noon on Tuesday, December 12. Optional revisions of your essay(s) are due to me by noon on Wednesday, December 13. Review the syllabus or talk to me to make sure you have all the required parts if you are revising essays. Turn all material in to my office, room 4125. If you want your work returned to you, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. I will keep all your writing until the end of Winter Quarter 2018.
Thanks for being a part of our class this quarter. Feel free to phone, e-mail or visit my office to discuss any issue with me.