Writing Assignment: (Rough Draft) - Final Assessment - Essay Option 1 , Option 2, and Option 3 (Instructions and Rubric)

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit None


Rubric and Rough Draft

Note: You cannot do your final assessment until you have told Kyle which option you wish to work on. Please let him know and he will send you the correct materials! 


For the Final Assessment, you get to pick one of the four options below:

Option 1: Revise and edit a writing assignment that you have already completed this quarter:

      • Climate Change Free Write
      • DACA-Immigration Summary and Response
      • Mass Incarceration Letter

Option 2: Write a new essay on a topic we learned about this quarter but that we did not write about:

      • Frederick Douglass - 4th of July: Prompt - How does Frederick Douglass' 4th of July speech reflect the struggle against racism in America today (represented by the Black Lives Matter movement and protests)?
      • Greek and American Democracy: Prompt - Compare and contrast Greek democracy to American democracy. In what was is America a true democracy or a false democracy?
      • Indigenous History in Seattle: Prompt - Why should people who live in Seattle today learn about Chief Si'alh and the Duwamish and Suquamish tribes, and remember whose land our city is built on? 

Option 3: Write a personal narrative about your life at this moment and your educational journey answering one (1) of these guiding questions:

a. What lessons have you learned about America this quarter, and how will you use that new knowledge to teach other people and expand the vision of future generations?

b. Describe your educational journey in your life and at Seattle Central College. Where did it begin? What were your goals? How have you met your goals? Where did you struggle? Who supported you? What is your educational plan for the future?

Option 4: Take an extensive multiple-choice reading comprehension test including several texts about topics from the quarter (1-1.5 hours)

Kyle encourages that you pick option 1, 2, or 3 because they will really show your growth as a writer, reader and thinker this quarter, but you have the liberty to choose. 

      • Once you have made your selection, Kyle will send you further instructions.
      • The final assessment will be due on Thursday, 8/10 by 11:59 pm. 


    • Step 1: Complete the Final Assessment Survey under Modules or reply to today's Discussion to let Kyle know which assessment option that you will choose.
    • Step 2:  Study the rubric below to understand how Kyle will evaluate your essay.
    • Step 3: Complete a rough draft and send it to Kyle by Sunday night at 11:59 so that he can provide you with feedback.


Rubric - Final Writing Assignment - ABE-GED Communications, Summer 2020                  


College Ready (4 pts)

Excellent (4pts)

Good (3pts)

Improving (2pts)



Content: the essay responds to the prompt; using material learned in class, the response speaks about the topic of the student’s choice:

·         Frederick Douglass/Fourth of July (New Questions)

·         Climate Change and Solutions*

·         Democracy in Greece and America (New Questions)

·         Immigration and DACA*

·         Mass Incarceration*

·         Indigenous History in Seattle (New Questions

·         Personal Narrative (New Questions)







o    the response has 3-6 paragraphs;

o    each paragraph has topic sentence and 3-7 supporting details that develop the main idea;

o    a new paragraph is created when the topic changes; each new paragraph has a new topic sentence;

o    the first paragraph has a clear and strong sentence that answers the prompt directly.






Revision and Development of Ideas:

o    Student sends a rough draft to instructor to review

o    final draft demonstrates that idea development and language/style editing has occurred based on the instructor’s feedback

o    Revisions demonstrate that the student has reflected on his or her first draft and made original improvements

o    Improvements increase clarity, organization, and complexity of his or her response.






Language and Style:

o    the response recycles keywords from the prompt and source text to grow the writer’s own ideas;

o    response avoids sentence fragments and run-on sentences

o    the essay uses complete sentences to the best of the student’s ability, each sentence using a mix of independent and dependent thoughts with appropriate joining and transition words or phrases

o    response utilizes proper end punctuation and beginning capitalization;

o    response uses language and grammar appropriate to student’s current knowledge and ability

o    the essay shows proof of sentence editing and paragraph re-organization as practiced in class







o    response has a title in the center and the student’s name and date at the top left of the page;

o    the letters are not bold or underlined and they are not all capitals

o    there is a space between each paragraph

o    sentences in each paragraph are grouped together and not on separate lines; bullet points and number lists are not used











Your Name

Kyle’s Communications Class

Today’s Date


Title: (This Should Reflect the Ideas in Your Essay)


                This is how you should format your essay. Please follow this structure. This is how you should format your essay. Please follow this structure. This is how you should format your essay. Please follow this structure. This is how you should format your essay. Please follow this structure. This is how you should format your essay. Please follow this structure This is how you should format your essay. Please follow this structure. This is how you should …





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